Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wong He & Linda Chung Team Up As On-Screen Couple

Wong He and Linda Chung attended to the promotion event for new series "Twilight Investigation" (囧探查過界). Wong even said he wants to team up with Linda as a new unofficial on-screen couple, and Linda generously agreed.

Wong said: "This time I want to pair with Linda as the end-of-the-year on-screen couple. Never tried that the 16 years I'm in showbiz. Hope everyone give us a chance. (Must face strong competitors like Raymond Lam and Ron Ng?) We are unofficial on-screen couple. I'll replace them when they're busy, trying to make Linda stand out. She really wants to buy a house. If she has more work, then she can buy one more quickly. (She already owns one?) Then I'll give this opportunity to another one. Oceane Zhu is not bad." Wong also worried about the series because it is aired after anniversary series "No Regrets." But he is confident because first episode is already very funny.

Linda said: "I also want to pair with Wong He. Always rumor with Raymond and Ron, Wong He rarely has rumors. It would be happy if we can take stage jobs together. He is a very good partner." She admitted wanting to buy another house because there is not enough rooms when her parents stay in Hong Kong.

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

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