Sunday, July 17, 2011

Eating the rice but don’t know the price

Hong Kong people have busy lives. When asked about the prices of common public services, they often have no idea. Now, we ask tvb artists, Linda Chung, Kenneth Ma, Pierre Ngo, and YoYo Chen to receive our “Eating the rice but don’t know the price” challenge and see whether any of them know the admission fees for adult and children for the Hong Kong Science Museum.

Question: What are the admission fees for adult and children for the Hong Kong Science Museum?

Linda Chung: Wow, I haven’t visited the one in HK yet. This question really perplexs me! I know the admission fee for the one in Canada which is $25. For the HK Science Museum, I guess $20 for adult and $10 for children.

Kenneth Ma: I really don’t know! I went there once for a visit when I was in junior high. I guess $15 for adult and $5 for children. I don’t think the admission fee would be as high as the cost of buying a meal!

Pierre Ngo Ka Nin: I really seldom go there! My last visit was about 10 years ago. I guess $10 for adult. Children should be half that price, i.e. $5. This is a public service sponsored by the government, so it shouldn’t be that expensive.

YoYo Chen: I really don’t know! I haven’t visited that place for many years. Isn't the Science Museum the same place as the Space Museum? I guess $20 for adult and $15 for children.

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